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Friday, May 16, 2008

I Think I Saw Her at Gay Pizza Too.

Since the moment Sara Ramirez stepped foot onto Grey's Anatomy, I've wondered, hoped, and prayed that she and/or her character might be gay. After all the male bed jumping she ended up doing, my dreams were squelched, or least put on hold. That is, until last night:

Yeah, good times. I once saw Sara at Truckstop on a (women who love women's) Friday night. Doesn't mean she's gay or bi cause I also once saw Joey Fatone there, and he's certainly no lesbian. But that night I noticed three things: 1. She is FIIIINE! I mean damn 2. She seemed very comfortable and at home among the lady-loving ladies and 3. SHE IS FIIINE!

What do you think of that clip?


Anonymous said...

I think that episode was HOT!!!!

Thursday has what I call THE THURSDAY TRIFECTA:

Grey's Anatomy

All of which are AWESOME shows.

And I think both Rodriguez and the blond are VERY hot!!!

They should tie me down to one of the racks (cots to you non-navy-vet types) in the on-call room and take turns on top of me!!!

--Brian (the token 30 year old mostly straight male virgin)

Anonymous said...

Oh, it was so amazing. I loved Sara right from the beginning and hoped - like you - that her character might showing some gay action.
Since the last few episodes I waited for this kiss to happen and was still like totally flashed when I saw it.
Then I smiled and watched the scene again three times. I think it's so great and the expression on Saras face after the kiss is amazing.
she's so hot =D

greetings from germany =)

Bren said...

She totally liked it!

Anonymous said...

I've been waiting for someone else to say something about that elevator kiss! haha, my head has been spinning since the possible lesbian action on grey's last week. i actually thought callie was gay when she was buddy-buddy with addison. kate walsh is already a favorite for lesbian roles (karen sisco, under the tuscan sun) but, alas, nothing happened there. i'm loving how abc is becoming 'gaybc' as one magazine article put it. brothers & sisters had a gay wedding just days before grey's aired. desperate housewives has gay characters. any network that represents a very prominent but often unaccepted societal group will keep me coming back for more quality programming every week.

Anonymous said...

I'm still excited about this kiss, more than 2 days later. Such a hot kiss. And she is FINE!!!

Anonymous said...

I don't the show anymore but I like her look a lot better now than when she used to have all that horrible eye make-up on her. The blue eyeshadow was just too much.

And the girl who put the lotion in the basket, I kinda thought she was much cuter when she was chunkier. lol

Anonymous said...

Yes Arlan! I've thought she was soooo hot ever since she came on the show, and like the other people who commented I've just been waiting for something between those two to happen.

I was watching with my mom during the elevator scene and she just laughed at me when I jumped off the couch and screamed "YES!!!" as they started making out. It's about damn time Grey's had something interesting for US!! :)

Anonymous said...

i hoped that too. please make her a lesbian, please make her a lesbian. then when dr. hahn came to seattle grace is said oh it's on. i have been in love with sara since she was the lady of the lake in spamalot and when i read that she was going to be on grey's i nearly peed in my pants. can't wait until thursday!!!

K8QP said...

and i was wondering why im so atracted to Sara :))))the answer came in season 4....and the episode from yesterday....wooooooooooow...finally !!! dont know how manys ive watched so gay right now :)

Unknown said...

i thought that was where they were going with the storyline. I'm very happy.