Blog Archive

Thursday, May 15, 2008

PRIDE 2008!

Hey hey! So I put out a bulletin yesterday asking people if they're going to L.A. Pride. I'm going, so I wanted to see if I'd be meeting anyone there. I got an overwhelming number of responses from people who wanted to go, but had no idea WHEN Pride is! So I figured the same problem might be happening all over the world, where you wanna hang out with your gay pals at a Pride event, but you don't know the details or what's happening closest to you. I grabbed this list from If you click on the city's name, it'll take you to that Pride's official website for even more detailed info.

I will definitely be L.A. Pride, might be at Long Beach, SO wanna go to London Pride (wish me luck) and will try to go other places if I can...I'll keep you posted. Have fun!

Albuquerque, NM (Albuquerque Pride 2008)
June 13 - 14

Amsterdam, NL (Amsterdam Pride 2008)
Aug 1 - Aug 3

Anchorage, AK (Anchorage Pridefest 2008)
June 20 - 29

Asbury Park, NJ (New Jersey Pride)
June 1

Atlanta, GA (Atlanta Pride Festival 2008)
July 4 - 6

Austin, TX (Austin Pride Parade 2008)
June 14

Austin, TX (Austin Pride Festival)
June 14

Baltimore, MD (Baltimore Pride 2008)
June 21 - 22

Bangkok, Thailand (Bangkok Together 2008)
Nov 1 - Nov 9

Barcelona, Spain (Barcelona Pride 2008)
March 19 - 24

Bergen, Norway (Bergen Pride 200)

Berlin, Germany (Christopher Street Day Berlin)
June 28

Birmingham, AL (Central Alabama Pride 2008)
May 30 - June 8

Boise, ID (Boise Idaho Pride)
June 6 - 8

Boston, MA (Boston Pride 2008)
June 6 - 15

Brussels, Belgium (Belgian Lesbian and Gay Pride 2008)
May 17

Cardiff, Wales (Cardiff-Wales Lesbian and Gay Mardi Gras 2008)
September 6

Carlsbad, CA (North County San Diego Pride)
Aug 2

Cedar Rapids, IA (Cedar Rapids PrideFest 2008)
June 22

Charlotte, NC (Pride Charlotte 2008)
July 26

Chicago, IL (PRIDEChicago 2008)
June 29

Cleveland, OH (Cleveland Pride 2008) previous pics
June 21

Cologne, Germany (ColognePride 2008)
June 21 - July 6

Columbus, OH (Columbus Stonewall Pride 2008)
June 28

Copenhagen, Denmark (Copenhagen Pride 2008)
August 11 - 16

Dallas, TX (Dallas Pride 2008)
Sept 21

Denver, CO (Denver Pridefest 2008)
June 21 - 22

Detroit, MI (Motor City Pride)
June 1

Dublin, Ireland (Dublin Pride 2008)
June 13 - 22

Durham/Raleigh, NC (North Carolina Pride 2008)

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada (2008 Pride Week)
June 13 - 22

El Paso, TX (El Paso Sun City Pride)
June 5 - 8

EuroPride 08 (in Stockholm)
July 25 - Aug 3

Flagstaff, AZ (Flagstaff Pride in the Pines 2008)
June 20 - 22

Frankfurt, Germany (Christopher Street Day 2008)
July 18 - 20

Gainesville, FL (Gainesville Pride 2008)

Glasgow, Scotland (Glasgay! 2008 Festival)
Oct 1 - Nov 9

Hamburg, Germany (Christopher Street Day Hamburg)

Harrisburg, PA (Harrisburg PrideFest 2008)
July 26

Hartford, CT (2008 Connecticut LGBTI Pride Festival)
June 7

Houston, TX (Pride Houston)
June 28

Iowa City, IA (Iowa City LGBT Pride)
June 16

Indianapolis, IN (IndyPride!)
June 13 - 15

Jackson, MS (OUToberfest)

Jacksonville, FL (First Coast Pride)
July 26 - Aug 26\

Jersey City, NJ (Jersey City Pride 2008)
Aug 23

Kansas City, MO (Kansas City Gay Pride)
May 30 - June 1

Las Vegas, NV (Las Vegas Pride)
May 2 - 4

Lincoln, NE (Pride on the Prairie)
June 20 - 22

Lisbon, Portugal (Lisbon Pride)

London, England (Pride London)
July 5

Long Beach, CA (Long Beach Pride)
May 17 - 18

Los Angeles, CA (LA Pride)
June 6 - 8

Louisville, KY (Kentuckiana Pride Festival)
June 20

Madrid, Spain (Madrid Pride)
July 3 - July 6

Manchester, England (Manchester Pride)
Aug 15 - 25

Memphis, TN (Mid-South Pride)
June 8 - 15

Mexico City, Mexico (Mexico City Pride)
June 26 - 30

Milwaukee, WI (Milwaukee PrideFest)
June 6 - 8

Minneapolis, MN (Twin Cities Pride)
June 28 - 29

Montreal, Quebec, Canada (Divers/Cite)
July 27 - Aug 3

Moscow, Russia (Moscow Pride Festival)
May 31

Munich, Germany (Christopher Street Day Muenchen)

Nashville, TN (Nashville Pride Fest)
June 1

New Haven, CT (Connecticut Pride)
June 7

New Hope, PA (New Hope Celebrates)
May 16 - 18

New Jersey (GLBTI Pride Celebration)
June 1

New Orleans, LA (Southern Decadence)
Aug 27 - Sept 1

New York City, NY (Heritage of Pride) previous pics
June 22 - 29

Oklahoma City, OK (Oklahoma City Pride)
June 20

Omaha, Nebraska (Nebraska Pride Parade)
June 20 - 22

Orlando, FL (Come Out With Pride)
Oct 12

Oslo, Norway (Nebraska Pride Parade)
June 20 - 22

Palm Springs, CA (Greater Palm Springs Pride)
November 1 - 2

Paris, France (Paris Pride)
May 17 - June 5

Pattaya, Thailand (Pattaya Gay Festival)
Dec 2

Philadelphia, PA (Philly Pride)
June 8

Phoenix, AZ (Pheonix Pride) previous pics
April 12 - 13

Phuket, Thailand (Phuket Pride)

Pittsburgh, PA (Pittsburgh Pride)
June 16 - 22

Portland, OR (Portland Pride)
June 14 - 15

Porto, Portugal (Porto Pride)
July 12

Providence, RI (Rhode Island Pride)
June 21

Rehoboth Beach, DE (Delaware Pride Festival)
Sept 13

Reno, NV (Power of Pride)
Aug 19

Reykjavik, Iceland (Reykjavik Pride)
Aug 7 - 10

Roanoke, VA (Roanoke Pride)
Sept 21 - 23

Salt Lake City, UT (Utah Pride)
June 6 - 8

San Diego, CA (San Diego LGBT Pride)
July 19 - 20

San Francisco, CA (San Francisco)
June 28 - 29

Santa Fe, NM (Sante Fe Pride on the Plaza)

Seattle, WA (Seattle Pride)
June 28 - 29

Springdale, Utah (Zion National Park) (Southern Utah Pride)
Sept 26 - 27

St. Louis, MO (Pride St. Louis)
June 28-29

Stockholm, Sweden (EuroPride 2008)
July 25 - Aug 3

Toronto, Ont, Canada (Pride Toronto)
June 20 - 29

Tucson, AZ (Tucson Pride)

Tulsa, OK (Tulsa Pride)
May 31 - June 14

Vancouver, BC, Canada (Vancouver Pride)
Aug 3

Washington D.C (Capital Pride 2007)
June 6 - 15

Wilmington, DE (Delaware Pride)
Sept 13

Zagreb, Croatia (Zagreb Pride 2007)

Zurich, Switzerland (Verein Gay Pride)
May 30 - June 8


Anonymous said...

Medford, Oregon July 26th

Anonymous said...

Fort Laurderdale, FL (Stonewall Street Festival- Pride of Greater Florida) June 16-22

Anonymous said...

Durham/Raleigh, NC Pride is September 27th at Duke University.

Anonymous said...

are you gonna try to come visit your mom again at the end of june?? I missed ya the last time you were here. *grumbles to self*

Anonymous said...

every good kelkian should be at albuquerque pride. for real, it's going to be off the chain.

Anonymous said...

Belfast, Northern Ireland 25th July to 2nd of August

Anonymous said...

Seoul, South Korea
May 31-June 8
Korean Queer Culture Festival

May 31- Parade
12-6, starting at the Cheonggyecheon south of Jongno-2 Ga intersection, proceeding along the north side of the river and then back along the south side.

Other events include a film festival and various cultural events throughout the week.

Anonymous said...

I'm so psyched for pride. I'll be at the Toronto, Ontario one in June ;)

Bren said...

Wow, I had the dates for LA and SF wrong...I have no idea where I got my info from. Bollucks!

Anonymous said...

Who's ready for philly pride?
I know I am!
It'll be my first :)

Anonymous said...

i know this isnt for 2008, as our Melbourne Pride has already been. Since we are on the other side of the world, it doesnt matter! The next one will be great too! Midsumma Festival, ending with Pride march and party, (and this is one festival thats going for a whole week), starts Saturday January 17th 2009 in Melbourne, Australia. You should totally come, cos it rocks!

LisaNicole said...

Albany, NY

June 8


Unknown said...

Colorado Springs, CO July 20th
It's a smaller event, but we got to be entertained by God-dess and She last year! AMAZING!!

Anonymous said...

Helsinki, Finland June 23-29, 2008

Anonymous said...

For all those of you who love us Norwegian girls with our quirky accents and random bashfulness: Oslo, Norway has no less than four pride festivals this summer:

Skeive Dager (Oslo Pride Week), June 20 - 29

Oslo Gay & Lesbian Film Festival, June 20 - 25

Oslo Mardi Gras, June 25 - 28

Oslo Queer Festival, August 14 - 17