oh Erin Kelly. how do you do that voodoo...you do...so...well, you know.
if you have seen the biggest lezzy film of 2006 "Loving Annabelle," then you already know why last night when i was talking to my wife (Katharine Mcphee) in bed, i asked her if we could add Erin Kelly to our "celeb to-do list." and you'll also know why Mcphee said (sang really) "yes!" without hesitation.
if you have NOT seen the movie, check out this trailer, then immediately go to the movie's myspace page and purchase it or rent it from there!
...and i mean like, watch it tonight. you dig? oh and invite me over to watch it with you cause its lonely here in Houston. you bring the chocolate covered strawberries. i'll bring the chardonnay and *cheese*.
alrighty! thanks to Erin for being my second interview on this blog (my first was Daniela Sea, which you can read here)!
it is my pleasure to say:
this is Erin Kelly's lesbian moment...
Priscilla Jaris, 16, ontario
Q: i'd just like to say i adored your movie and i think youre an amazing actress. did you find the whole student/teacher scenario difficult to tackle? why or why not?
"Hello Priscilla, Thank you for your support. I think one of the main points the movie stresses is you can not judge a situation unless you are directly in it. In watching the movie, almost everyone wants Annabelle and Simone to end up together, but that is after seeing the inside of their life's. If one was looking at it from the outside, almost everyone would be troubled by it, and think it inappropriate. Its interesting because I have a totally different outlook on the whole teacher/student thing now then I did during the shoot. About 6 months ago I started teaching a high school class and in that time I saw Annabelle at a film festival, in watching it all I kept thinking was, 'this is so wrong'. "
jenni, 16, england
Q: did you learn anything about yourself developing loving annabelle and/or through playing the annabelle character?
"Hi Jenni! I learned how powerful I am as a sexual women. I think this is something all women have, society has just tamed us, to not use it. And when I say 'sexual women' I am not talking about the part of your brain that represents the teenage boy in us all that desperately wants to seduce our sexy boss, even though they are married. I am talking about the part of us that we all hide, I think you all know what I am talking about. We would freaking take over the world if we would stop being smaller then we actually are. Stop apologizing for ourselves and just be the strong, sexy, kick ass women that we are!"
mo, 17, seattle
Q:have you ever experienced forbidden love in your life?
"I think everyone does this. Let me clarify, how many of you are in, or have ever been in a relationship that you think you shouldn't be in? In love with someone, that is not worthy of your love? Yes I have done this."
cheyla, 21, bay area, ca
Q: what are you going to be working on next?
"Hello Cheyla. There are a few things coming up. The one I am most excited about is working with Kat again on Waking Madison."
tiffany, 31, grandview
Q: in the movie you have a tattoo on your left wrist. was it real? also, on the bonus feature section, the director had the same tattoo. are the matching?
"Hi Tiffany, My tattoo was not real, Katherine's is and yes they were matching."
britney, 17, ohio
Q: have you ever had a real life crush on a teacher?
"Not that I remember."
serena, 24, blythe, uk
Q: what is like being you?
"Hello Blythe from the UK. On most days I think its pretty cool to be me. I have a wonderfully supportive family. A fabulous group of friends. I live in Southern California. I do have days, like everyone, where Im not sure if I will be able to live up to the standards I set for myself. But somehow those days pass, just like any other, and I find that I become stronger for them."
ashley, 18, IL
Q: would you say acting in love with a woman is different than with a man?
"Hi Ashley. This question is hard to answer without going into a heady discussion about acting and the techniques that work for me. Acting, for me, is the reality of doing. My job is to tell the truth, as best I can, in my imaginary circumstances. I, Annabelle, told the truth about being in love with Simone. Whether that'd be different then with a man? Well, it would be as different as the way you loved your first love verse the person you are with now. No one loves two people the same. Be them male of female."
Emma, 28, London UK
Q: Erin, I loved the film by the way- your role was especially
effective as a positive role for it's viewers.
"Thank you."
What attracted you to the role?
"The first time I read it, I was reminded of myself as a teenager, the role excited me."
Also, I feel that the film felt a little inconclusive and unfinished....Did you feel that the ending, or lack thereof, detracted at all from what was essentially a beautifully shot, acted and wonderfully crafted peice of cinema. I don't think the vast majority of people expected that the ending should have been smelling of roses - I for one would not have entirely welcomed a neat
and happy ending, but I do feel that there were some things left unsaid.
Aesthetically speaking, how pleased were you with the denouement and resolution?
"To be honest I haven't actually thought that much about it. Many people have this feeling about the ending. I however like it. If Simone had been a male teacher, or Annabelle had been a male student, that is exactly what would have happened, and no one would have cared. Life is not sugar coated whereas so much of what Hollywood produces is, (which I am not saying is a bad thing, I love to watch feel good movies). I can't speak for her, but I think Katherine wanted to make something that wasn't sugar coated based solely on the fact that it was a gay relationship. Im not sure that I answered your question..."
arlan's questions:
By far, the most commonly asked question by the people who read my blog was: “are you a lesbian in real life?” if you want to answer this question once and for all, please feel free to! But I’d also like to know, since you get asked that question quite a bit, do you think about how it would affect dvd sales, and the overall appeal of the movie if you were to answer in one way or the other. What are your thoughts on that in general?
"To set the record straight, I am not a lesbian in real life. I was so blessed to be able to play Annabelle, I loved every second of it, but in real life, I am straight."
(editor's note: cue *sound of broken hearts* around the world and in my living room ;-) )
You filmed a few episodes of a t.v. show about surfing. Is this a sport youre very good at and do you have any other talents Loving Annabelle fans wouldn’t know about?
"I do surf, although I am not very good. I actually grew up on a sail boat so I am very at home in and on the water. Other talents that LA fans would want to know about.... Well I think I do have a few of these, but a lady never tells her secrets. I can tell you other sporty things I do, I wake boarding, snowboarding, and like to play soft ball."
On many occasions (like screenings) you and Katherine Brooks have said that you would be starring in her new movie “Waking Madison.” Now she’s actively searching for a new lead. Are you still in the movie as a supporting character or did the two of you decide against you playing her lead again.
"I was never going to play Madison, however, yes I am in it. I have sworn myself to Katherine, if (God forbid) I ever stop acting, she has said she will not do a movie without me, so as long as Katherine is making movies you all are stuck with me. I will be playing Alexis, Madison's little sister."
Have you been recognized on the street/store/other yet by fans of the movie? If so, how does that feel?
"I did have this happen the other day, but not in the way I would have expected. When I have time i work for this charity event called Bullrun, its my 'fun' job. I was speaking with a client (who I have never met) on the phone and he asked, 'is this The Erin Kelly?' I asked what he meant and he said, 'The Erin Kelly, like the actress'. I told him yes and he said, 'oh that is so cool, I recognized your voice from an interview I saw'. I was floored. "
Do you want to perform your own music at gigs and/or join a band?
"In my imagination I do this all the time!"
Some actresses from the L Word said they watched lots of lesbian movies to prepare themselves for certain love scenes or highly emotional scenes in their first season. Did you do this for Loving Annabelle, and if so, which ones did you watch? describe it very slowly;-)
"Well there is this great lesbian porn called.... just kidding. No I did not do this. Wait, Katherine did have me watch Mulholland Drive once, but that was about 2 years before we started shooting. Other then that, no. Katherine did sometimes put music on for emotional scenes, or we would talk about stuff in our own life that was similar to what was going on in the script.
I have a story about that: During the making of Finding Kate (a short that Kat and I did together before LA) there is a scene in it where I wake up and the woman I am in love with has left, leaving only a note. I am supposed to be devastated. Katherine says, 'we are just going to shoot it, without preparing, Erin, there is something for you in the note, just go for it.' Now Katherine, knowing that I just went through a devastating breakup, had written in the note as if it was from X. So, we start rolling and I open the note to read it, and for those of you that have seen it, I did cry, a lot. As soon as she yelled cut Kat jumped on the bed apologizing profusely, but also saying the reaction was exactly what she wanted."
Take a look at some of the clips on my blog of chicks kissing. Does it do anything for ya? ;-)
"Youre funny! And although I am not gay I do find some women incredibly sexy."
(editor's note: you dont have to be coy, erin kelly. i know "some women" = arlan.)
Does it feel strange to be a new lesbian-icon?
"I couldn't have hand picked a better fan base. "
Have you walked into a gay club in l.a. or anywhere else since the movie was released? if so, what was the experience like? if not, you should go to HERE Lounge (in west hollywood)...and you should let me document what happens:-)
"I have not done this. But when I do I will let you know how it goes. "
Do you think my wife (american idol runner-up Katharine Mcphee) and I should have our family portraits taken at Glamour Shots or a passport photo booth at the mall?
"Hah!!! Yes I do."

add Erin and the movie on myspace and get more info @ www.myspace.com/weloveannabelle, the official myspace page for "Loving Annabelle"!
Arlan- I insist that you marry me, leave Katharine shes no good for you. Marry me I promise endless amounts of wine but you have to bring Erin Kelly or its a no go.
^ haha.
i'm So still in love with erin kelly, regardless of this whole "straight" issue...
and i think the LA ending did suit the film... and that i'm gonna watch it now.. lol. and i can't wait to see more of erin in kb's new film :)
Ahhh Erin Kelly is so hot. Straight Schmait. Everyone's game these days.
Shes so wonderful
OK just got to watch the movie, literally 5mins ago. And I thought it was great Erin is really fricken beautiful!!Anywho it was great but it was like when they FINALLY got to be together they suffered from what alot of ppl do the morning after....NOT LOCKING THE DOOR. Then it kinda just went off without any follow up. I wish they would've let us kno a lil something. Other than that I loved it!
---Mind Of Me(Blogspot)
Erin is an incredible actor. I was thoroughly convinced, a little saddened by the actuality, and intrigued. I wish my all girl Catholic high school days contained more Simones and less Sr. Mary Catherines......dynamite movie!! :)
She is so beauitful! AHH
I loved the film! and Erin is so sweet. BTW what is the song played during the clip?
Man, I love Erin Kelly! Her interview was down, alot of the stuff she said was funny and totally cute.
Thanks for interviewing her Arlan! :D <3
Another point for you Arlan, after I read the blog I went out and bought the movie - In the last 3 days I watched it 3 times. Erin is so fricken beautiful (ok she is hot as hell) and I loved the storyline. Thanks for the heads up, and thanks Erin for being the wonderful actress you are!
wow! my heart breaks knowing shes strait. she's still amazingly beautiful and talented though.
so i rented and watched the movie today and loved it!! when are you coming to seattle ;)
All I have to say is. Oh Erin *sigh*
The song playing in the clip was the wonderful Natalie Merchant..the name of it is "My Skin"...fucking beautiful song. I dunno why it never got popular. Well enjoy..
Ok this is my first time reading your blog and what an interview! First of all can I just say I love you Arlan because I've been in love with Kat McPhee forever and it's been a while since I've found new fans (especially ones that are actually in love with her!). On another note Erin Kelly is amazing! Loving Annabelle is one of the most beautiful, touching, and just damn sexy, films I've ever seen! Both Erin and Diane's performances are heartbreaking. Thanks so much for the great interview! Katharine McPhee is the most gorgeous woman ever!
Peace and love!
Thank you Arlan!! That was a great interview. I just watched 'LA' a few nights ago and just loved it. Erin is simply stunning and the most gorgeous girl I have ever seen :) Talented and wonderful as well! I hope to see more movies of her in the future, can't wait to see Waking Madison. Just like everyone else here, who wouldn't love Erin, :)
I just wacthed the film, and I think is totally terrific, the true revelation of what happens now days, Erin , did a great performace during her acting, she really got you into the film, the essence of a secret feeling. she has been one of the most convinced lesbian roles on the industry, even she is younger; she had the power to involve you into it.
love Erin, great actress and still lots of sucess ahead ;)
Annabelle i really love that girl and one day i defenitly meet her.
Ahsan Love Annabelle.
I'd really like to know, what the Tattoo on Annabelle's left wrist means, looked for it the whole last night and couldn't even find anything... If anyone knows, I'd be very thankful to get to know the meaning too...
hallo erin ,jigisha here from mumbai india.
saw yua movi awsome.! really lov'd it.!
u r awsom actress, ! lots lov nd hugz.!
godbless u. tc!
They need a sequel to loving annabelle to go more in depth towhat happens after..the ending was left open as if to expectanother so wheres our sequel!?!?!?!?!
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