What's that I hear? Ah, yes: the sound of a gazillion lesbians coming at once. It's a beautiful sound. Keep it up.
I might be late on this cause I've had my head buried in
Here's the info from the Showtime press release:
Showtime is working on a spinoff to its drama series "The L Word," which will have its final season bow early next year. Showtime president of entertainment Robert Greenblatt made the announcement Friday at the Television Critics Assn. press tour at the Beverly Hilton.
Greenblatt said the "L Word" spinoff is in the early stages and didn't offer up a lot of details. He did say that "L Word" creator/exec producer Ilene Chaiken is creating the spinoff, which will shoot after "L Word" wraps production on its sixth and final season this year. It will star one of the actresses from the drama series, which will end its run with an open-ended story line that will continue online. Should the spinoff get a series pickup, the story line will continue in the as-yet-untitled project.
Greenblatt said the chosen actress does not yet know it will feature her. Pressed for more details, he said only: "We're still forming it. I'm sure I have a million e-mails already from loyal viewers about it, but we're still in the process of figuring it out."
That's hot.
Who do you think it will be? Let the speculation begin!
I'm calling for a Rachel Shelley/Helena spin-off (in my pants). I'd watch that ish like WHOA. But we all know it'll either be Kate Moennig/Shane or Leisha Hailey/Alice. Who else thinks they should do a spin-off about Jenny's...left...boob!?
this is very good news. i won't have to suffer from withdrawals. YESSS.
i do wonder who it is..... i'd be happy with Alice, Jenny, Helena, or Shane.
I hope it's an Alice spin-off. That would make me one happy lesbian!
More Leisha Hailey! If it's not an Alice spin-off I don't care.
Please let it be Alice!!!
Yeah, I was going to say that it should be Shane! Shane is my homogirl. :) It would probably be a more "hardcore" set of characters. :)
Or I would be into a Bette spinoff!! Tibette forever!!!!
Who here thinks that in the next season of TLW, they should show a wedding ceremony for Tibette??? I do! I do!
--Brian, Silicon Valley (same guy of "Eternal" movie clip fame who is a frequent commenter on this blog)
I don't care who it is, as long as it doesn't bomb and it keeps the withdrawals at bay, I'm satisfied ;-]
Probably my top picks would be Helena or Alice (I could actually really see it being Alice, now that I think about it with her career). Whatever happens, I'll be happy. More L Word-like goodness!
ok. So, I love Shane and I could watch Shane like...all day long. Seriously. But, I think plot wise, Shane is weak because she has one motivation and that's all it ever is. So, maybe she should just be a porn star. I have to say, I love Alice. And I think Leisha is a great actress and I'd love to see her do ANYTHING.
Although I could watch Shane day and night, I think Alice or Helena would be the best choices for spin off shows. I love Alice! Whoever the main charachter is, I'll be watching!
maybe they'll do something to REALLY bug us all out and bring CARMEN back!
but my bet is either on alice or jenny. they are both brilliant actors and have storylines that could be pretty compatible with a spinoff.
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no jenny and no helena. shane or alice are fine with me!
Yesss! I knew there had to be something else planned. You can't just create something this wonderful and then take it all away without offering something else. I really hope it's not a spin off that dies like most other spin offs... Helena, Alice or Jenny (preferably a little less psycho though, just a little) are my picks : )
I understand why you want a less psycho Jenny but I gotta tell ya, it's definitely interesting to see her bitchiness at work, don't you think?
But yeah, I think they are going to mellow her out again.
ohhh plz let it be helena!!!! and bring back dylan!!!! that would be heaven times 10!!!!!
Oh for sure it's interesting! It's just that I like old Jenny, so a combo of old season 1/2 Jenny + psycho Jenny = <3
Really, as long as Mia Kirshner is in it, I'm fine, she's a fantastic actress : ) (However my ultimate pick would be Carmen but I don't think I'll be that lucky)
there can only be one....SHANE!!! please let it be shane please let it be shane please let it be shane...and carmen if we're lucky...
i really hope it's alice. i would love to see more of her.. haha.
i would love for it to be shane, but she would be a weak main character.
but i do agree.. that if it was carmen, i would watch it every day.. over and over again.
it'll probably be jenny.
jenny is such a complex character. Something just tells me it'll be her.
then again I dont get to watch tv much and I am halfway through season 4. getting there! whoever it is I will definately be watching it
Shane spin-off....she's my homogirl!
i really love leisha hailey but if the spin-off turns out to be weak i would really prefer it not to be her, and would be devastated!
to me jenny has always seemed to be who the show is based around, so for that reason i think it will probably be her
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