Casting Call "Gay Marriage aka Marry Me" Video Shoot
Always grindin' and my mind is always going thinking of other ways to get out a positive message. I'm in the process of planning my next video shoot for "Marry Me aka Gay Marriage". A video advocating Gay Marriage. The song is featured on my profile off my latest Album "The Movement" so please take a listen. We will be shooting the video in the city of Burbank, California. We are looking to shoot Sept. or October, but will get back to you with exact dates. Please have transportation to arrive on set.
I am looking for a woman to play my wife in the video. The shots will be tasteful but you have to be willing to get close with me and not be shy to be in front of the camera, on camera kissing and affection. Any race, age, etc are all welcomed! I will consider all!
We are still in the planning stages as far as getting the concepts and actual dates set with the Director but it is a go.
My reasoning for picking this video is because of election year and being an advocate for Gay Marriage making it legal and making it stick not just in California but everywhere!
Thank you for wanting to be a part of "The Movement"
Melange Lavonne
Contact: www. myspace. com/melangelavonne
e-mail: melangelavonne@aol.com
Tell Melange that Arlan sent you and she'll pay special attention...
This is Melange's video for "Gay Bash:"
Um. ME!
I would do that in a hot second.
Damn I would looove to do that! I messaged Melange, so thank you for posting this!!
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