There's not much I can say that hasn't already been said about this new video from Pink
. It's so timely and well...*perfect*...I urge everyone to watch the entire thing.
Amazing job by Tina Majorina... And here's part of what Pink posted on her website about the film:
...Making this video was a very emotional experience for me, as was writing this song. I have a life inside of me, and I want her or him to know that I will accept him or her with open and loving and welcoming arms. And though I will prepare this little munchkin for a sometimes cruel world, I will also equip this kid to see all the beauty in it as well. There are good people in this world that are open-minded, and loving. There are those that accept us with all of our flaws. I do that with my fans/friends, and I will do that with my child, whoever they decide to be.
If you're depressed, cutting, feeling suicidal or just want to talk to someone about a temporary problem that is getting you down, please call the Trevor Hotline or talk to someone on their new webchat feature. I love every single one of you guys and I want us to all grow old (and hornier, no doubt) together:-)
pink's videos've always been deep and emotional... i love them all...
and i think she gets hotter and hotter every day ;)
thank you for sharing the video, Arlan!
I love this vid! its so diffrent then the other vids with half naked ladies (not that's nothing wrong with that :P) But she is sending a real message into this world! I saw her 15 times on her european tours! and she's fucking perfect!
thanks for posting this!
xx From Holland!
i'm crying in the fucking caf at school. that was the most amazing video and song EVER. i needed that video today. <3
Amazing video, she always has a story to tell and a message to send. Great artist love the post ;D
Amazing video! You have made awesome, really good stuff.
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