I caught this music video on LOGO a few weeks ago and have had it saved to my DVR since. Recently this reader brought it to my attention again.
This is the official description:
"Fictional character Kevin, Mélange's friend becomes a victim of a hate crime. Mélange confronts those including the "Church" who condemed him and his lifestyle."
I hope this helps someone out there...
("Gay Bash" by Mélange Lavonne)
Add Mélange as a friend at www.myspace.com/melangelavonne
This song should be rapped to Fred Phelps and his gay-hating first. The Phelps family is from my hometown, Topeka, KS, and I while driving down the street I occasionally see kids and the Phelps clan holding gay-bashing signs. Nice message and video.
Great Message
phelps has to pay up 10 mil to a military family...finally some repercussions
fred phelps and the rest of his followers and family will have to meet his maker just like the rest of us one day and though it is hard to see the repercussions, they will come for it is not us he will have to answer to be himself when faced with the choices he made in his life.
meant to leave my name above... "fed phelps and the rest...." my name is "Schlotz"
Thank you.
SO much.
Nice. Want to meet her. I'm a Bi on FindBilover.com
ps can i just say im kinda excited after a year and some of reading this blog i am "this reader" hehe
hey arlan,
are you going to blog about the casting call for a shot of love season 2 on mtv?
Can I just say that Fred Phelps is not FROM Kansas?! I believe he's actually from Mississippi, but the fact that he chose Kansas as a home tells a lot. I'm from Topeka as well and every time I see that fucker it breaks my heart. He also comes to ALL of the college graduation ceremonies around the state to "protest"; including my own.
arg....this made me cry! Since i came out in March, i've lost friends, gained better ones and then there are those who are 'tolerant.' At first i thought this was a good term, meaning accepting. I found out that she meant as long as i don't talk about it and i'm aware i'm going to hell, it's ok. This song tells what i wish i had told her.
What a fantastic message. I'm so glad to see that someone else feels the same way that I do about the hate-preaching so-called Christians. Some of my best friends are both Christian and gay and it is so hard to differentiate between the good ones and the bad sometimes. I appreciate what this woman is saying and I hope that her message is spread beyond the community that already knows these things.
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