Blog Archive

Monday, March 10, 2008

Dat's Just My Baby Mama...

Tina Fey and Amy Poehler make me happy to be alive. What do you say we all go on a date and see this when it comes out?

Speaking of SNL ladies, I also would very much so like to marry and impregnate one Miss Kristin Wiig. This skit from two Saturday's ago kinda made my month:


Anonymous said...


i just read like 30 seconds ago, The L Word has been cancelled!

they can't do this! they ordered 8 episodes for a 6th season to tie up the story lines, then it's over!

no more south of nowhere, no more the l word... what am i supposed to do?!?


Anonymous said...

I am so going to see that movie. I heard about this along time ago from

I agree with Chelsea, what are we going to do now.

Anonymous said...

This list rocks my socks. I'm so with you on Girltrash taking over the void. Also total brainfreeze over Jenny/Nikki...gah....

what *is* that sensual tattoo running the length of her ribcage anyway?

Anonymous said...

I saw this trailer awhile ago, looks hilarious. I (heart) Tina Fey...HARD
It's a date!! LOL

Sarah said...

ARLAN i really think that whenever this comes out, we need to find a place to meet and see it together. like, twice. like a double feature, except...the same movie. i go there, you come here, we meet somewhere else...