Yeah I'm gonna have to do some research on this Emilie Autumn chick (the red-head who shows up around a minute and a half into it) and what the hell is going on here...but uh, LOOK AT THE GIRL-ON-GIRL NAKEDTICITY that abounds in this video:
(not appropriate for work or for like...God-fearing lady types)
(Die Warzau's "Born Again." Thanks to this reader for letting me know about this vid...)
I so wanna make out with someone to this song...
...and then go cry in a corner a bit.
Well dang, that was pretty hot, not sure what was happening either though.
Hot...and kinda freaky. haha
Here's a little scene from a movie that I often find myself watching on youtube over and over. Maybe you can post it on a slow day to spice things up? :)
OMG .______. EMILIE GIRL ON GIRL? o__________o
OMG -- how's that vid surviving on youtube??
fucking hot!
that was a cool vid but the crosses kind of weirded me out.
That's amazing. I've loved Emilie Autumn for the longest time now.
I would have had no idea she's gay. If she really is.
um, just a little too much for me. Got grossed out when she started bleeding...
A girl that I dated briefly years ago was in love with Emilie Autumn... I always just thought she was a little scary... interesting, but scary...
She's sort of like a gothic raggedy ann.
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