(Princess Suga' Tits.)
Raise your hand if you know my favorite things in the world.
Yes, you in the back with your pants down? Ah yes, you're correct! Right on the first try. How 'bout that. Yeah my favorite things are boobs (and world peace). I didn't realize it til now, but my 2nd favorite thing is when someone has the word "boobs" or "tits" in their name. So of course I'm super excited to be able to talk about one of my readers, Princess Suga' Tits. In case you aren't familiar with the world I live in and the company I keep, that's Roller Derby speak for BADASS. Little known fact, it's also Australian for beer.
Princess Suga' Tits (aka Kristina) is 27 and has recently been diagnosed with oral cancer. If you've ever been to a doctor or hospital and either seen a medical bill or are like me and have had to PAY for one out of pocket, you know that they'll charge you 25 bucks for a tissue, cause they can. So imagine Kristina's bills after 3 surgeries in the past 5 months.
To help her pay some of these bills, along with her every day personal expenses (like food, water, and I'm hoping booze and hookers), she is doing some paintings by commission! So if you dig her work and would like for her to do something customized just for you, you should get in touch with her to see what her rates are like. Everybody wins in this situation. So get to it. If you don't think you could afford to have a painting done, she does give donation information at the end of this quick video she put together. It's amazing what a few dollars from a few people are able to do, so don't think you can donate too little. Give what you can. Or just say whats up to her. And uh...someone give me a Roller Derby name. I SO wanna be part of that. Except for the part about getting hit and chased. Let's skip right to the lesbian orgy afterparty, shall we.
Here's some of Princess Suga' Tits' work:

How about Liz B. Ann ?
or something equally as gay.
I got so excited with thinking of a skate name for you, I forgot to say THANK YOU!!!!!!!
I should be punished.
I just turned myself on.
excuse me, I'll be right back
Blessings for your friend. I would gladly give my little tits to do anything to help her. They aren't doing anything for me!. Love and light in her life from me.
Lady Bleu
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