So you guys know that CBS owns Showtime, right? And I'm probably an uber nerd for finding this to be so fascinating, but I think it's cool that they keep a lot of their actors working on different shows within the network. That's why we saw my girlfriend Cobie Smulders from How I Met Your Mother

and Holland Taylor (and Melanie Lynskey) from Two and a Half Men

and my other girlfriend Clementine Ford

as Mac on Young & the Restless

I just realized, I have a hell of a lot of baby mamas...dayum.
Anyhoo, I think that's nifty. Don't y'all? The whole CBS semi job security thing?
Well if you weren't impressed before, mayhaps this will pique your interest:
What do you guys think? Will she ever NOT be Shane to you?
lameeeeeeee. nothing can compare to the l word!
OMG I am sooo excited for three rivers!!!
she'll never be anyone else to me! looks like Shane just walked into a hospital and scrubbed in ha.
1st off, totally spotted cobie on HIMYM from the first ep ("hey, that's that art chick from l word...")
2nd. three rivers looks pretty good. kate moennig will always be shane in my heart for two reasons. a) first saw her on 'the young americans' way back when she was cross-dressing jack/jane @all boys school. and b) she wears shane's hair cut in everything else she does. if she changed her hair, i could maybe conceive of not calling her Dr. Shane when this new show starts up.
side note on three rivers: i find her a lot hotter when the prospect of her hooking up with other hot chicks is dangled in my field of view, but i'll take what i can get. lol.
thanx for the heads up arlan!
three rivers looks awesome! kate moennig will always be like shane to me but she still looked damn sexy as a doctor AND they left her braless in this one too :] they know what keeps the audience interested. haha just kidding, but its a perk [no pun intended]
Maybe if her hair had been changed. That is so the "Shane" haircut, it's hard to see her as anything but when she's still got that Shane swagger.
Did you ever watch 'Young Americans'? It only had one series before it was cancelled but I fucking LOVED it when it was on. Anytime anyone mentions Kate Moening I always bring it up, so no doubt I've already asked you before. Either way, you can watch them all on youtube. She plays a girl pretending to be a guy in a guys school. It's cool, interesting in terms of cross-dressing and such. She's awesome in it.
That's hot, I will have to watch Three Rivers!! Shane is my homogirl, and I still wear your shirt that says it!! I don't want facebook because they make you put your real name...
lmao@ the comments. I agree tho. Dr Shane all day. Its just her swag. She could put on a habit and a rosary and pose as a nun and i'd still be like SHANE dammit!
Agreed, she will always be Shane. If Kate objects to my calling her that on our wedding night then that's just too bad for Kate.
P.S. "Dr. Shane?" I just came.
Hmmmm...she looks like Shane....she talks like Shane...but we all know she isn't Shane. (Only because the real Shane would be too busy banging nurses and interns in the supply closets to make it on time for a transplant)
hmmmm...good point, christie. how's she supposed to get transplants done while she's banging nurses and interns? I eagerly await the premiere so i can see how she solves this dilemma with her mad transplant-supply closet quickie multi-tasking skills...
Yes, she will always be Shane! Kate is hot no matter what she is wearing, but it is gonna be wierd watching her with guys though..
I miss The L Word by the way!
Kate will always be Shane to me :( or just a lesbian. If she starts making out with a dude in Three Rivers I'm TURNING IT OFF!
She will keep being Shane until she stops looking like Shane.
Kate as Shane she did a great job in The L Word
Now, if she is going to play a doctor in this new drama, CBS should give her a small "make over". She looks too unprofessional to play the part of a doctor.
I think that they need to change her appearance a bit. BTW Alex, she looks exactly like a doctor would look. None of the doctors I work with look professional.
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