Ok this is going to be a hybrid post. It's not because I don't have enough to say about these two lovely topics separately, its just that they both share the "Wilde" thing, and it sounds like "wild" and its too good for me to not use. I'm having a personal celebration about it cause I am a word nerd, K?
So lets start with this Olivia Wilde character. As you all know, I am very much a fan of the ladies; especially if those ladies are hot and like other ladies. Even if one of the two is true, consider me a big fan. So I make it my business each day to check out women, look for gay situations on tv shows and say the words "make...OUT!!" at least once to my tv screen each day. But sometimes...sometimes...*sigh*...things get past me.
So I am very embarrassed to say that I did not know until very recently that Olivia Wilde's character on HOUSE is a gay. A homoseshual. A lesbian female woman. (UPDATE: So apparently she's bi, not gay. I love bi women, so all is still well. Viva las women lovers!) I don't catch every episode and have only started watching it recently, so I knew three things: 1. Olivia Wilde is fucking hot. 2. Olivia Wilde is that chick who made out with Misha Barton on the ONLY episode of the OC I've ever seen, and 3. I only like watching the episodes of HOUSE that have Olivia Wilde in them.
Ok so at least 2 of those should have been clues, but it totally went over my head. That is....until I saw this...
Right *ahem* so...the episode went on to be an extremely well-written, well-acted, and well-lesbianed episode. The pieces came together (that's what she said) and now I know whatsherface doctor is the gay. Good times. Moral of the story? WATCH THIS SHOW if you don't already. And also, DAYUM.
I'm also a bit late on the music train with this one. But I have a feeling this will be the first time a lot of you hear/see this band, "Company of Thieves." They make my ears smile. Think about it:
("Oscar Wilde" by Company of Thieves)
I could listen to this chick's voice all day...
If you want more of Genevieve, Marc and Mike (but let's face it, you just want more of Genevieve), check em out on their official sizite: www.companyofthieves.net
I did NOT know her character was gay and I feel like I've seen a fair few episodes with her in. Was this like her coming out episode or something? Totally awesome though, she's a hottie.
She's just a half gay! Better than no gay though!
Yeah, she's definitely bi, and ends up with another doctor on the show, but still...not a bad storyline. :-)
It's so odd to me that you didn't know this. It's like finding out your parents have never heard of woodstock...
haha Tashia, yeah you're right! :-) But I do have an excuse. I've been dealing with some stuff the past few months and haven't been as in the loop as normal. But I'm gonna make up for that like you wouldnt believe. There wont be one bi/gay lady on television that will get past my dar. Hells no! :-)
I didn't know this until today when I read the blog I missed when I was in Naples, Fl for a weekened. She was the reason I first tuned into House (and my slight heterosexual crush on Hugh Laurie) and now I plan to keep watching and hopefully catch that episode in the clip.
thats pretty cool that she would play a "lesbian" agai....i actually watched the clips from the OC on youtube of her and misha..... but i dont know if anyone else noticed..... the chick shes hooking up with.... shes the girl who plays shane in the le girls movie on the l word...... anyone else notice???
the other girl in that clip was from the l word who played shane in les girls
Whoa! She's always typecast as bi (thankfully for us). On that note, be sure to check out the hot Katie Cassidy on Melrose Place this season as a bisexual.
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