so yeah, this movie is really funny and REALLY fucked up. but if you haven't seen "Freeway 2," you ain't seen nothin yet. its a horrible, horrible movie. there is one hot shower scene with Natasha Lyonne and MarĂa Celedonio that i guess is worth the rental, and it is HEAVY on the gayness. but its still a VERY disturbing movie.
i recommend the original Freeway. you've got brittany murphy akin' crazier than she was in Girl Interrupted. you've got Brooke Shields and Kiefer Sutherland out of their comfort zones. then there's Amanda Plumber who ALWAYS gives emmy/oscar caliber performances. and best of all, you've got good-girl Reese Witherspoon just acting her ASS off and sayin some CRAZY shit. awesome!
here's the weird trailer...i dont like the tone of it. could have been done a bit better. but you still get to see awesome scenes. plus the first couple of minutes of the movie...
rent it @ Netflix.com
and you're NOT going to post the hot shower scene that involves tasha lyonne? are you crazy, or just sadisitic? *whimpers*
i love every single one of your blogs...even if i'm havin a bad day i always have a smile on my face when i'm finsihed with your page either b/c its extremely funny or incredibly sexy...either way, i'm lovin the blogs and i'm lovin you =)
keep up the good work!
well let me start off by saying hello. I read your daily lesbian moment EVERYDAY!I love it , thanks for takin your time to do it. But this movie ahaha freeway. ive been watchin that movie since i was a kid on hbo. (Im 20 now) They always played it late at night and of course i had to watch. But i never knew what the movie was called until today! good movie haha. BUT anyway thanks so much for everything you do!
with love
ps you know any good lez books?!
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