Well, I was thinking this was a fuckin' rad song when I heard it for the first time 3 years ago, and it's a fuckin' rad song now that it's all polished and cleaned up for the youngins.
I give you my friend Jenny Owen Youngs' brand spankin' new video for her breakthrough song, "Fuck Was I":
The vid quality is a little iffy, but I'm sure there will be newer versions posted on youtube soon that are a bit more clear. But uh, how GENIUS is the this video?? The way they bump into Jenny to replace the word, "fuck" makes my heart happy.
She's a cool kid and I'm excited to see what's in store for her. No matter how big she gets, she'll always be my *always-slightly-intoxicated... always-completely-intoxicaTING* buddy, Jenny from the block.
I'm pounding my chest and throwing a dove in the air for you, Jenny.
Haha it's so clever.
I love it.
i love it. great song.
It shouldnt matter but when i hear a good artist like her, from ourchart, afterellen or you arlan. I cant help but asking, is she gay?
ohmygod!! hello? yes! jenny owens youngs is so fantastical.
and if you haven't heard her version of hot in herre...you need to.
its adorable.
I love this song! found it a few months ago on some randoms bebo page! its my song for my best friend/ex who i still like! but she has a new gf and doesnt want me 'if we wernt such good friends i think that id hate u...what the fuck was i thinkin' perfect ;)
This song was on an episode of WEEDS. I love it!
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