Leave a comment and let me know if you're going to Washington, D.C. for this. Please let me know why or why not. I'd love to get an idea of who I may see there when I go...and if there are any people not supporting this, what their reasoning behind that decision is. Thanks! -Arlan
UPDATE! Read what guest blogger (and my soon to be British lover--she just doesn't know it yet) Rachel has to say about why SHE is traveling from her college in Illinois to D.C. for the march:
...It seems to me that the LGBT crowd are still so marginalised that many people don't realise just how many of them there are, just how many people are being denied their civil rights. For this reason, I think that the Washington March on October 11th is incredibly important, if only to open the eyes of the general public to the passion that is behind those simple boxes on a ballot slip. Did voters realise the hurt they caused when they checked yes? I'm not so sure. Did they realise that there are couples that are proud to be in love, and want to share it with the world, only to be told that the world doesn't want it to be shared?
This isn't even about marriage, it's about equality, it's about those 38 states that will still allow a bigot to fire you for your sexual orientation; it's about couples that want and need to be able to share healthcare but can't because their love can't be legalised.
It's about standing up and telling the world that this is not enough. It's about the right to be more than just 'tolerated', the right to be accepted. It's about people that are sick of being told that their love is dirty, that their hearts aren't pure, that their sex is something to be ashamed of. It's for everyone that is too scared to hold hands or kiss in public.
It's for all those whose deaths were not important enough to be reported in the media. It's for all those who have been a victim of a hate crime that the police did not see as a hatecrime. All those who 'asked for it', who 'provoked it', who 'should have known better' than to be themselves. This march is for all those who are sick of being a second-class citizen, or having their friends and family treated as a second-class citizen.
That is why I will be marching. Will you?
Follow Rachel on twitter at www.twitter.com/rachellous.
Follow Arlan on twitter at www.twitter.com/dailyarlan
Get all the info about the march at EqualityAcrossAmerica.orgclick
DC is like 10 min away from me :D
I am going to be in Philly for OutFest those days!
I'm about 45 mins away from DC...I should be able to go!
I'm flying to DC with a friend, meeting up with a friend who lives in DC, as well as with my gf (who is driving down from Boston with friends).
Honestly, I'm disappointed that I haven't heard more people excited about this. We bitch when we don't have certain rights, or when those rights are taken away, but when an event is organized that has the potential to make a real impact, it seems like people have a lot of excuses as to why they have other priorities. For me, civil rights will always be toward the top of my list. And PS, a $400 plane trip is small potatoes compared to the cost of DOMA & prop8 passing or The Matthew Shepard Act not passing, to name just a few.
totally there :)
me and my friends will be there. =) its our duty as dc gays.
I was already going to be in the DC area for a couple of Brandi Carlile concerts so I decided to stay and see what this whole event is about. If any of ya'll wanna meet up for the march, I'm up for it.
I am going! And my girlfriend and I have come across quite the nice hotel room to stay in, which is a huge plus.
I'm just going because I've never actually experienced a large, queer gathering before. Also, I've been feeling very political lately and I want to see what it's all about.
I'm in NY and am trekking down for this. On behalf of an apartment full of bis, straights, gays and "I dunnos," we figured it'd be best to get representation from all colors of the spectrum down to march. Living as close to Chelsea, Hells Kitchen, the LES, etc. as we do, we forget how much work still needs to be done for our civil rights in other parts of the country, so it's time to stop being lazy and get active.
my best friend and I are planning on going. As a person, equality has always mattered to me. As a lesbian, equality in our society today has an ever increasing importance as we take 2 steps forward and 3 steps back in our fight to be treated like heterosexuals are treated.
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