i just found out that Shahnaz Lacaze passed away yesterday. im crying for her now, but i know that now there's no more pain. i never met her, but its really hitting me hard. i dont pray, but if anyone who knows her personally is reading this, just know that you guys are in my thoughts (especially her girlfriend and her mother)...
edit: there is a song that ive been listening to for weeks now. and it always had a different meaning for me, but today i just happened to click on it, and i think its a perfect song for shahnaz. you can hear it by going to www.myspace.com/priscillaahn and listening to her song "Dream." listening to it a couple of times has really helped...maybe it will help *you* too.
and of course, i only needed to think of my friend terra's songlist once to find just the perfect song from her as well...
son of a bitch! 2 episodes into the new Real World and im starting to like it. why does this happen EVERY single season?? i swear to myself that i wont care. i dont even watch MTV anymore. but somehow i find out about the new seasons and i watch the first episodes (somehow)...and then BAM. im hooked.
also, i just watched the Daily Show with Jon Stewart like i do every night. and Tom Waits was on. i was excited cause they said he was gonna perform and i'd never heard his music before. ive heard such good things about him and he's an inspiration to lots of my favorite artists. well, his interview was fantastic. very interesting. but uh...am i supposed to like his singing? someone help me out here. why does he sound like the dude on that Fugees interlude. you remember? they go into a chinese restaurant "in the hood" and that dude gets crazy and kicks their asses. well Tom Waits sounds like that dude. i have an open mind, especially when it comes to music, so all you lovely people, tell me what im missing here.
there's nothing gayer than me complaining about shit, but i feel i should get just a wee bit more lesbian. so here goes...
Lily Tomlin. thats right. *love her* she's been in almost 50 movies. click here to see the list. there are too many to post about here:-) i also really like this list of quotes by Lily.
Lily is a 67 year-old lesbian. so that would make her...a GILF? hmm let me think about that. yeah...im sorry for the mental image. i dont really wanna like, DO her. i just wanna hang with her. she's funny as hell. sharp as a tack. fast as a whip. or something.
here she is in an awesome scene from a great 80s movie, "Big Business."
if you click on Lily's name above, it'll take you to her website where you can see all of her upcoming appearances. and looky what i found:
January 27, 2007 (Sat)
Special Performance on first evening of Olivia's Caribbean Islands Cruise Fort Lauderdale, FL Tickets: (800) 631-6277 or www.olivia.com/caribbeanislands Time: 5:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m.
anyone going on this cruise? and while im asking, anyone ever been on an Olivia cruise before? if so, tell me about it. a ship full of lesbians. sounds like heaven!
looking at that "Big Business" clip made me think of Lily's (gay, but not lesbian--you dig?) co-star Bette Midler. my favorite movie of all time is "Beaches." and my favorite song of all time is "The Rose." so Bette = *heart* you see.
and people are ALWAYS asking me what lesbian movies they should rent. i usually start them off with a list of 5-10, starting with "Lost & Delirious" and working my way down the list, going from most boobage, to least. but i always forget Beaches. nope, Barbara Hershey and Bette never get it on (i so wish). but its a film we all should see. so go rent it and watch it for me. and then when its over, pop in "Wild Things" just to take the edge off. oh, and make out with your straight friend who you've been checking out all night while youre pretending to just be reaching back for more popcorn.
this is a clip of the beginning of the movie. little known fact: i was originally cast to play Bette Midler at 12. but then the fuckin' hand-walking queer got the role. son of a bitch!:
im random today, huh? its the Krav Maga. seriously.
(be sure to scroll down a bit and check out the links below!)
"Loving Annabelle" is *coming out* on DVD on December 12th. you can pre-order it on amazon.com or by clicking on the pic below to go to Wolfe. if you order from Wolfe, you get an extra booklet thingy with it.
you can also RENT it @ Netflix.com or your local uh...rental place:-)
i really enjoyed the movie. i thought it was filmed very well...and Gustine Fudickar's outcast/sidekick role was um...well im gonna use a word i never use: "superb."
here's a long trailer for the movie in case you haven't heard of it...(the song used during the second half of this clip is "My Skin" by Natalie Merchant.)
and here's another vid from the movie ive shown before...but i dont think you can ever have enough consensual lesbian church fondling, do you?
also, i hope that you'll click below on some of the post titles that catch your attention and check em out. some are old, some are new...but theyre all typed with love. and the more people who see em, the better i feel. come here and give me a lesbionic hug. (sorry if any of the vids dont work...i try to keep em updated, but you know...Mcphee's always: "do me now" this...and "do me harder" that. insatiable!)
and (my new nightly exercise routine) Krav Maga is even harder.
im exhausted. but soon i'll be able to post pictures of my guns...and my abs o' steal. speaking of! Sarah Paulson (right, shown here with her longtime girlfriend Cherry Jones, left)
...showed her hot abs for the second week in a row on "Studio 60" last night. did you see that? im sooo jealous. one day, my friends. one day.
and last night's episode of "Heroes" ...was SO good. theyre having a marathon of it on the Sci Fi channel (ha) sometime soon. so uh, check your local listings if you havent caught on yet, and become addicted so half of my posts will start to make sense:-)
here's somethin cute i found... "Girls who like girls", anime set to audio from the Bob and Tom show.
if you'd like to see a list of which anime were used in this clip, click here and look in the description.
p.s. if anyone can get this for me for christmas, id be ever so grateful. just tie a bow around her and leave her at my front door. *shakes fists at the gods* one day katharine mcphee...one day!
so today we're gonna discuss women who stretch their voices to sound like satan. you ready kids?
first up, there's Kittie. i love Kittie. (yes, all sorts of kittie).
their music got me through many days after school as a teenager. i dont apologize for rockin' out to them. i got to meet them a few years ago and interview them on their tourbus for my mag. i will try to find the vid of them all lined up saying "hey, we're kittie, and this is our Interlude. *hot* :-)
there's all sorts of gay happening over there, even with their ever-changing line-up. they're hot. they scream a lot and they're excellent musicians. they probably would hate to hear this, but i still think their best work was on their first album, "Spit." in 2000. just look at these lyrics. mmm!
this is my favorite song of theirs from that album..."Charlotte". aw, they were just kids then...
this is what their latest line-up looks like:
next we have Otep. Otep is a lesbian-fronted band straight outta compton, yo! no, not really. theyre from like...orange county or l.a. somethin. but they'll kick YOUR ass.
how hot is this chick?
<---le Otep Shamaya
if you want to see their newest vid (which seems to have some extra cash behind it), go to their website www.otep.com and click to see the preview. if you want to see the whole thing, just enter your email address. i did it.
otep is going on tour starting...thursday! go to their myspace page to see their tour dates all over the u.s. you wanna tell em where you found em? that'd be mighty nice of you:-)
ok....now this last one's gonna blow your mind if you dont already know about it. i already know about it and its sorta still blowin my mind.
um...Jada Pinkett... ...is the front-woman of a hardcore metal band called "Wicked Wisdom." i havent seen them live yet, but i hear theyre pretty exciting to watch. you can visit them on myspace at www.myspace.com/wickedwisdom.
this aint no actin' gig yall:
psst...come closer to the screen. closer...closer...
here's my little secret...
i think jada pinkett is a lesbian. oooh yall no she didnt. yes. yes i did.
this is just a little mid-day moment. and for the record, no, there is no solid proof that Katharine Mcphee is a lesbian--you know, except for the fact that we're married--but she's my dream girl and im a lesbian and this is my blog, so THERE! ;-) remember, this is a lesbian and lesbian-friendly blog. and im hoping one day Mcphee gets mighty friendly with this lesbian.
besides, everyone needs some Mcphee in their lives...
oh my...
part 1 this "Nick" she speaks of is a for the media. she doesnt wanna come out just yet...when she does, we'll announce our marriage to the world. *sigh*
part 2 a topic that hits close to home, katharine? when she gives her 2 cents about Lance Bass, she's talking about OUR RELATIONSHIP. you dig?
part 3 in her world, this blonde chick is me...you know how Carol Burnette had the ear-tug thing at the end of her show? and Celine Dion has the slap-her-face or somethin for her oozbund? Mcphee has the touch-all-over-popular-blonde-girls as her signal to me. thats why she was ALL over Kellie Pickler on American Idol. *deeper sigh*
update: this beautiful lady just told me about Katharine being the new spokeswoman for www.sexyhair.com. go there and watch the little behind the scenes vid they have...i just watched it and cursed at the screen, drooled and fainted. mmm....
a minute ago, by mistake, i discovered something, so very lovely.
ok so i watch Studio 60 (which is preceded by the AWESOME and sorta gay "Heroes" that you HAVE to watch on mondays!) .
its a good show. its interesting and holds my attention each week. the only problem i have with it is that i just cant imagine SNL gets this serious and drastic every single week! ya know? but if you take that part of the equation, its a well-written, well-casted, well-acted show.
and since ep. 1, ive been pervin' on Amanda Peet (duh--did you see the woman's chest when she was on Ellen pregnant?? i know Ellen did! my god.) and Sarah Paulson. i knew i recognized Sarah from something, but couldnt figure out where. so i IMDB'd her as you do, and found she was a lovely lady...with a nice history on Broadway. good for her.
that was a few weeks ago.
now, about 4 minutes ago while writing on my personal blog, i did a search to make sure i spelled someone's name correctly...and through the power of the internet found out that Ms Sarah Paulson is a lesbian.
a moment of silence please.
ok now...a moment of YAY! :-) it makes me very happy. she has a girlfriend and everything.
and the thing is, her character has recently had some problems because she said something to a magazine or newspaper about gay people...its a long story, but she's a big time christian on the show and she answered a question about homosexuality with the whole "hate the sin, not the sinner" thing and the quote was truncated and misconstrued and all that mess. but how cool is it that she's a lesbian and playing that role.
so on Monday, im gonna pop some popcorn and watch Heroes...and like i always do, i'll stick around for Studio 60. but this time, with a little gay tear in my eye.
this was a huge deal a few years ago. and i was feelin' soap-opery. so check out Bianca coming out on "All My Children" (or as i call it, "all my chirens"). hmmm...there's a "Rain," and a "Greenlee"...where's "Thorne" & "Thrash"?? ;-)
i'm just waiting for the day General Hospital gets their act together and has Elizabeth and Emily in a lesbian relationship. just think of the bad luck they've had with men so far. *crosses fingers* *and does that face squeeze thing that Hiro does on Heroes* damn...still straight. well never say never!
in this clip, Emily is the one in the middle going on and on about Sonny blah blah...notice as (in my world) Elizabeth makes her move (but not at all.)
and every now and then i have these little flashbacks to things that happened, or things i saw/heard when i was a teenager, where i say to myself, "THATS why i reacted like that..." or "THATS why i liked that so much." etc. and the "THATS" = "cause i was a dyke and didnt know it!" like a scene i used to rewind over and over in one of my fav movies called "Secret of My Success" where you can see nipple in a pool for about 1.5 seconds.
aaanyway, i bought a Prince album called "Come" on amazon a few nights ago and it arrived today. i just played the entire thing, and the last track is called "Orgasm." that Prince is so subtle.
if youve never heard it, its basically prince whisperin' to this chick AND shredding a guitar (mult-eye-talentid) while this chick...has an orgasm. i used to have this album when i was 14/15. and listening to this reminded me that i used to listen to the track on my headphones over and over and over again. didnt know why i loved the sound so much.
i know a little bit about a lot of (gay) things. enough that i can write about something lesbianic every single day...which is cool. but in some cases, like with the Buffy tv show and other things, im totally ignorant. so i love being schooled by you guys:-)
of course ive known about Tegan & Sara for a long time now. ive read about them a little here and there. i saw them on the L Word (season 3)...i pretty much knew their *deal* but for some reason, i made it a point not to listen to their music. as im typing this, im realizing that it was most likely because i was afraid i would hate it, and then it would ruin this whole *lesbian twins who are indie icons* vibe they have.
but a couple of weeks ago, i pulled it together, and went to their myspace page. i liked all the songs i heard, so i bought their latest album So Jealous. 2 weeks later, i'm a believer! cant stop listening to it. am addicted to it. must...have...more. im even thinking of getting that 4 pack thingy they have on their official website for myself for christmas.
"walking with a ghost": even if you've never heard of these girls before today, you've certainly heard this song...
their music is yummy. please leave a comment and tell me more about what you know about them. like, do they have girlfriends? do they like steak? how many cds have they sold? (im still trying to get a feel of how popular they are) do they like icecream? if so, what TYPE of icecream?
i will without a doubt interview them for a future issue of my magazine as soon as i can. and here's an interview they did...sometime...somewhere:-)
i wanna thank everyone on myspace who helped me find out who wrote each song last night...there were looots of you, and this chick told me about this awesome fan page with lots of info.
here's another video they did for "Speak Slow"...
while you're checking out new lesbian music, you should also go hit up one of our fellow homogirls named Grace. she has a music project @ myspace.com/dearsirmusic. go give her some support.
id also love to hear about your music. i spend half of my time working on my (sickly) indie magazine where we focus on music of all genres...gay or straight...or in between. and the other half focusing on this beautiful lesbian and lesbian-friendly cmmunity. so anytime i can have the two worlds shag each other, im happy! leave a comment and tell everyone about your band or solo project.
want a chance to get a few christmas gifts for your friends? or maybe you just like wearing layers...and layers...and layers? im doing some fundraising for my sites. and someone's going to win approx $175 worth of merch! i will randomly choose a winner tomorrow (Saturday, Nov 25th) @ 10pm (cali time). open to anyone around the world! the last two raffles had great odds. and even if you dont win, youre helping to keep this site and more going. so thanks!
(see below and choose "add to cart" to buy a virtual raffle ticket for $2.38.)
the prize pack for the 3rd raffle includes the following tshirts:
1 white, youth large "Bring Dana Back" 1 yellow, youth small "Alice is my homogirl" 1 black, adult large "Carmen is my homogirl" 1 grey, adult large "Leisha is my homogirl" 1 grey, youth large "I'd go gay for Shane" + "...oh wait!" 1 black, youth large "Dana Lives" 1 black, adult small "What Would Shane Do?"
the winner of the first raffle was Samantha Korb! :-) the winner of the second raffle was Melissa S.! :-)
sat, update! the winner for the 3rd raffle is...Ashley B.! :-)
last time i checked, Aries Spears was not a lesbian.
but i am, and im blown away by this clip. i wanted to share it with you guys cause for some reason it makes me really happy and hopeful. it gives me goosebumps and i dont really understand how he's able to do this.
keep in mind, that not only is he doing impressions of these people, but he's freestyling the entire thing.
thanks to my friends John and Brian from the (also non-lesbian but FABULOUS) band Lola Ray. if you go to my myspace page, one of my favorite Lola Ray songs is my profile song. i think all of us lady-lovin ladies can all relate to the lyrics! they also have a song called "Beautiful Boy" that'll rock your world. ADD THEM AS A FRIEND at www.myspace.com/lolaray and tell em arlan sent ya.
i'm exhausted as im typing this, so forgive me for any (extra) spelling mistakes or if i have (extra) trouble making sense:-) i got back from L.A. at 5am and didnt sleep much...but it was well worth it. i will be blogging about the artist I saw last night in the very near future, but in the meantime, i urge you to check out singer/songwriter/activist Bitch as soon as you can. her myspace page is www.myspace.com/bitchmusic. if you dig her music, add her, and let her know who sent ya:-)
sooo, onto another artist i recently came across. i thought you guys might like this, if for no other reason, then to have a profile song with a chick rapping the words "now i got yo bitch eatin' pussy so well..." you know, a nice christmas diddy.;-)
from her website: "On Sept. 16th 2006, Feloni makes hip-hop history by being the first "out" lesbian hip-hop artist to have her music [Fien'n 4U] played on mainstream radio."
you know...since *cough* Da Brat and *cough* Missystill havent come out, i guess Feloni DID make history! check the clip...
you can hear more of Feloni's music, including the song i quoted above called "Brand New" on her myspace page: www.myspace.com/feloni.
i'm going to go be extra gay and check out Bitch in L.A. tonight, so i have to go jump on the train in a few minutes. if you're at Hotel Cafe and you see me, pleeeease say hi! :-)
here's a little joy to stuff in your stocking.
behold: the Whoopi, the Jillian, the Brittany, the Clea, the Winona, and oh yes, the Angelina....
and we're a happily married couple, but we have an arrangement. she gets to go out and pretend she's dating this old dude in public, and i get to also marry Clea Duvall. Clea's been doin it for me since i saw her in The Faculty. oh my goodness. did you see that?? hot. hot. hot. she was also in "Can't Hardly Wait" & "She's All That" where i think she played the same character in both;-) she's been in several movies + cool tv shows like HBO's Carnivale and a hilarious (and hot!) guest role on the WB's Popular. and then of course she became a lesbian icon when she did "Girl, Interrupted" & "But I'm a Cheerleader."
but if you haven't seen her in "Thirteen Conversations About One Thing," you haven't seen her best work. she blew my mind in that movie. it made me think she could have played Brandon Teena in "Boys Dont Cry." thats how good she was. (you can rent all of these @ Netflix.com)
sooo, if you're a Clea fan and didnt know about this, im here to give you some good news. you can watch Clea (almost) every Monday on the NBC show "Heroes." she plays an FBI badass. love it.
i started watching Heroes from the first episode. i was really just waiting for Studio 60 to come on and had some time to kill. i hadnt heard of Heroes at all...and usually dont like things like X-men. but this is now my new favorite drama. its SO addictive. so imagine my delight when a couple of episodes in, i see "starring...clea duvall" roll across my screen. i paused tivo, and walked slowly towards the tv...then tenderly placed my hand on it next to her name. hey im not a freak, so i didnt make out with the screen you guys! sheesh. i mean, at least not til she was actually ON screen. then i gave it tongue like it was going out of style.
here's a trailer of sorts for the show. clea's only in it for 3 seconds, but she gets lots of screentime on the show. and this bitch is also in it and she's hotter than hell. watch it with me TONIGHT!!
so, heard about Alicia Keys goin gay? i hadnt. i guess i dont watch enough (...any) MTV. or BET. i used to...
i miss that Caribean Rachel chick on BET. you remember her? on some sort of countdown. she was hot, but her accent would come and go. and i miss the first season of TRL when Carson Daly was chubby. he would host the show without a crowd freaking out in the back, and he'd have stuff to tell you about the vids. and you could hear the crew in the background reacting to what he said...it felt like he was doing a college show and had hacked into the mtv network. aw, them were the days.
but back to the very important point here. Alicia Keys. going gay. in a new movie called "Smokin' Aces."
"Shaking it up would be one way to describe Keys' performance, as soulful as any song she's ever sung — but spiced up with an undercover hooker outfit, lesbian love affair (with Henson's character) and one very, very enormous gun." -read the whole article at Mtv.com.
here's the trailer:
now Alicia Keys has always had rumors goin that she was at least bi. i think i might have started those rumors circa 2002...cause i wanted her to be. dont you?? she's fine! and articulate and talented and FINE.
so it hurt my little heart when one day i was reading one of her journal entries on her official website denying the rumors. she used to write very in-depth journal entries...i think it was between albums. when all of the attention on her had died down a bit and the world didnt know if she was a one (album) hit wonder or not. so she could say a lot of things and not have it splashed across the front page of every entertainment website on earth. she mentioned something on Access Hollywood and other sites eventually too.
of course, i wasnt upset that she was saying she wasnt gay. but it t'was the WAY she said it. it was very defensive, and had that lovely hint of "hate the sin, not the sinner" sprinkled in. but i still bought her cds, because it ALSO sounded like the kind of thing one says when one is super-hardcore-gay....and is struggling to admit it to oneself and to others. especially if one is of the black persuasion. and i also kept buying the cds cause theyre REALLY good and cause "one" is FINE.
all of the disappointment i felt while reading that journal entry 4 years ago is now erased. Alicia Keys is playing gay? i dont care if the movie sucks. i dont care if it turns out she cant act. i dont care if the gayity is only for 15 seconds. Alicia Keys...is playing GAY...in a movie thats being released worldwide. gotta love that.
this is the chick she's (hopefully) gonna be snoggin: Taraji P. Henson
ok i think i've figured out how to trick (my wife) Katharine Mcphee into you know...doin it with me. im going to get hired on as her personal trainer. then i'll get her in a bed--as most personal trainers do--and...well...you just see for yourself:
this is from a show in Argentina called "099 Central" which im assuming is like ER or General Hospital or somethin.
who here, after watching this clip, was just reminded once again how happy they are to be a lesbian? and for the straight ladies out there, you know you're questioning now;-)
p.s. i wonder how much money Madonna makes in her sleep. great song selection...
a week ago, i went to Barnes & Noble to try to find a new Sudoku book. you know, to relieve all the stress. but of course i got stuck in the magazine section for an hour. that always happens, even when i try to fight the temptation. i guess after youve published a few issues of a magazine, its just in your system and you gotta get your fix somehow.
so yeah...got stuck in the mag section for a while and took great pleasure in holding CURVE mag and walking around with it. its fun to catch a soccer mom looking over your shoulder longingly at the pretty dyke on your magazine cover.
then i found myself stuck in the store for another 2 hours. i looked in every section, several times. and when i walked out of the door, i had somehow purchased the following:
a harmonica a how-to play the harmonica guidebook & a dvd guide to sensual massage
i dont know how the hell that happened...but i tell you, all 3 things are FASCINATIN!
i wonder if these girls could use a harmonica player....
you should go to their youtube profile and tell them i'm available for all of their harmonica needs.
and i wonder if these girls want a sensual uh...masseur on their tour...
here's The Lesbian Overtones' myspace page. tell em who sent ya!
hey i wanted to make sure everyone knew that the official U.S. premiere date for L Word 4 is January 7th! :-)
click here for a promo teaser. (if you have a pop-up blocker, you have to disable it or hold down the CTRL button to see the vid)
Helena makes me happy that i have all of my senses + Alice needs an emmy nom for Season 3 and there's more of her to come + Shane. - (no dana) - (no *certain other people*) = mixed feelings about this teaser...
i'll let the Advocate's story title speak for itself. and then of course, i'll ramble on for a few paragraphs and use the word "hot" lots and show you random vid clips and giggle to myself;-)
k, ready?
"Michelle & Kristanna in love! Kristanna Loken doesn't want to keep quiet about her relationship with sexy star Michelle Rodriguez. Who would?"
yep, read all about it by clicking on these beautiful words right here! im expecting LOTS and LOTS of comments from everyone. and while you get your comments ready, i'll tell you a little story of my own.
it was a warm night 6 years ago in Dallas, TX and a young girl (me) had a dream. a dream...to eat nachos in the dark. a dream...to watch a straight couple get to 3rd base in the front row of an empty theater. and a dream...to see a super hot chick kick other bitches ASSES on a huge screen and giggle to herself cause she already knew the chick was a dyke. yes, it was a warm night in Dallas, TX...and i...became a woman. well...like for the 15th time. but the point is, it was a hot movie!
Michelle Rodriguez. mm..mmm..MMM! she's a wonderful mix of femme/butch...sorta like Leggs in Foxfire. i guess its in the black leather jacket and army boots she wears out all the time. ok and for the LONGEST time ive been saying that in "Girlfight", (her first movie and the one i was referrin to up there) there were times when Michelle reminded me of a young Marlon Brando. you might think im crazy...but its in the closeups where she has the guard in her mouth. does anyone know what im talking about?? exhibit a: exhibit b:
aaaanyway...what i'm saying is...
ooh and its not just rumor this time...its beautiful, hardcore awesome, are you freakin' kidding me with how hot this is, fact:-)
this girl right here... (yes, the one who was, on one drunken night, P!nk's baby daddy...)
and uh...this girl right here...
are like...totally DOIN' it and shit. ah, young love.
to celebrate, here are some vid clips of both...unfortunately, there is no vid clip of them doing it. yet. but if i find one...you better believe you guys will be like ...at least the...20th or 30th in line to see. that would be, after i saw it 19 or 29 times. then took a break to eat...and to remember my name.
this is the movie they were both in last year..."Bloodrayne"
"Girlfight" trailer...
this is Kristanna doin an FHM photo shoot. little known fact, i do the "dyaa dya byaaaa" part of the "pony" song played in this vid. i was on set...saw what was happening...and well, yeah you know how i do;-) i was indeed, peepin' her um...her...stello.
Michelle gettin' PUNK'd...part 1
the trailer for "Terminator 3", with Kristanna...
i think after yesterday's near miss with the whole Beyonce and Longoria thing...this is a welcomed lesbian romance, that id love to see adapted to the big screen. i would even be willing to produce and direct it. and write it. and rehearse it. and deliver messages to their trailers during filming. and be called "Papi" or "grandpa Joe." whatever really. whatever would get me on that damn set. ahem...
the only thing that could really top this announcement for me right now...is if Katharine Mcphee announced that she was doin' it with (me.) or like...Pickler. cause you ALL know she was and probably still is!
update: see the end of this post to see if this rumor was deemed to be fact or fiction:-)
ok...ive just been informed by this lovely lady about something just too interesting not to mention.
it seems that um...Eva Longoria and Beyonce' are going to be playing lesbians in an american version of the UK's "Tipping the Velvet."
yeah i hope im proven wrong, but i really dont believe this. even though there are currently hundreds of thousands of results when you do a google search about the movie. click here for one of those links. and this is what beyonce has allegedly said about the movie: "We've had Brokeback Mountain so the time is right for this divine novel to get the same treatment."
my doubts are with Beyonce's involvement. its not like she's ever had to squash real-life lesbian rumors like Alicia Keys has, but i just dont think Beyonce' would jeopardize her *in* with the urban/gospel crowd. but hey, if she's really doing it, i'll be very impressed and i'll go buy every album she ever thought about making. hell, if beyonce's in a lesbian movie, i'll go to church with her every sunday morning for a year.
i will continue to research this developing story;-)
just to recap...what im saying is, this girl...
and this girl...
might be doing this on the big screen at some point soon...
if they dont end up making the movie, i know that my wife Katharine Mcphee and i would be more than happy to take their places...right after we get back from the honeymoon.
beware: there's lots of cursing and "...i was goin down on this girl..." dialogue. so you keep this one away from your mama. auight kids?
leave a comment and let me know what you think of this movie if you've seen it or the clip if you haven't seen the whole thing. you dont have to sign up to anything to post comments. and you can be anonymous.
also, thanks to everyone who reads my blog! haven't said that in a while...and i appreciate it. so keep the public and private messages a flowin'. i love em!
most people are calling this week's episode of "South of Nowhere" the best one EVER. the last couple of minutes were certainly the most intense the show's ever been. if you live in the u.s., you can click here and see the episode in its entirety. if you're outside of the u.s., you can download the episodes online, or check them out on youtube.
here's a pic of SON's two stars/girlfriends:
and is it me, or is annoying and hateful Madison getting hotter in each episode? in this week's episode, id say she was nippin' at (the L Word) Carmen's heels. dayum gurl.
add Lizzy's creator Ruth on myspace and see more of her vids here. be sure to check out her "about me" section for tshirts, free downloads, a phone comment box thingy + more!
*still waiting on the answer to my marriage proposal, ruth*
ok this isn't very woman-friendly, but i think there's a little bit of Jimmy Kimmel & Adam Corolla in all of us. dont you? if you find yourself liking this clip, but are ashamed of yourself FOR liking it, here's a tip. just tell yourself and everyone else that this clip is part of research for your thesis. it doesnt matter what age you are, OR the pickle you've gotten yourself into. just say "it's uh...it's part of research for my thesis." try it out!
stay tuned for a cool vid that i cant wait to post...happening sometime in the next 24 hours.... :-) (update: 24 mins later, i posted it:-) )
when this chick sent me to this clip, i thought it was Laurel "Tina" Holloman at first. but after looking at a larger version, im realizing its not. but she looks a LOT like her! now, if it turns out that it really is her and i'm just silly, you guys should let me know!
this is called "Style vs. Fashion" from the French Connection clothing line. i believe this was released in Europe/Worldwide outside of the u.s. at the beginning of the year. but again, i dont know much about it. except that there are bitches kickin each other's asses and making out. we dont usually ask for more of our daily lesbian moments, do we? ;-)
"French Connection : Style vs. Fashion"
oh and excuse my "Buffy" ignorance (once again!), but wasn't Laurel on that show during a season or a few episodes? i seem to remember some mention of "the girl from Two Girls in Love" kicking someone's ass. and thats why it made sense to me that this was her. *sigh* i promise guys, i've put the 4th season of Buffy into my rental queue at netflix. i will get better! :-)
click here to get one of only 100 brand new sticker packs (includes "got shane?" and "dana lives" stickers)! look under my profile song in the "interests" section for more info
last time i checked, Sara Radle wasn't gay. i remember there was a boyfriend. that was years ago, but i'm sure its still the case. so we'll file this under sie *lesbian friendly shiz*.
i used to know Sara WAAAY back in the day (like totally 5 years ago and stuff). i didnt KNOW know her. i met her a couple of times cause she fronted a Dallas, TX band called Lucy Loves Schroeder. they were rad. they had lots of catchy songs, and wore lots of red and black. Sara wore a tie on stage. you guys would've loved it. but theyve sense disBANDed.
Sara's now in a group called The Rentals in L.A. (Tegan & Sara fans might recognize em), but in between gigs, she does some solo stuff. this is a cool vid she made. she plays all the instruments in the original recording, plays all the parts in the vid (i think i see a dyke in there somewhere!) and recorded and edited this herself. oh yeah, and she's purdy.
she's good lesbian material. dont you think? sorry *insert her boyfriend's name here*...oh and sara, if you see this, send me a message. we're in the same state (again)...we should totally do lunch. and by "lunch," i mean "alcoholic beverages."
add her as a friend here. and let her know who sent ya!
this stroll down memory lane made me think of another singer i met in Dallas. the first time i saw her play, she was playing for me, the bartender and a couple of drunk guys in the back. 5 years later, she's playing for millions on Rockstar : Supernova.
i featured Zayra in my magazine last year. love her or hate her, you gotta admit the girl has got juevos. not literally of course. cause literally, she's hot. and juevos-free. she has a boyfriend too. but is very gay-friendly (plays in gay clubs, etc). she also has a song where she says something like "and i'll find a guy ...or a girl..." and talks about what she'll do with them. good times.
i cant wait to see what she pulls out of her giant top hat next:-)
here's a clip of her singing an original on Rockstar. i heard the english version of this that first night...it's come a long way from an empty Tuesday-night gig in Dallas!
and here's a music clip from an LATV performance i attended last year. this is more like the Zayra im used to. but she's a musical cameleon...never a sell-out.
y here is an interview with Kennedy (remember her?? :-) ) it was very interesting watching Rockstar, because no matter what, Zayra was being very *real* on that show. i was worried they'd create a character for her. but nope. two thumbs up for keepin it real!
my girl Charlene posted this on myspace today. if youre in l.a., go to this event! if youre not in l.a., there's some really cool information about a new "Queer Supernatural Hit" tv show:-) check it out...
The Girls of Fuse are Thrilled to Announce This Weeks Special Event at O-Bar Restaurant
Meet the Ladies of Dante's Cove This Tuesday, November 7, 9pm at O-Bar Restaurant
Dante's Cove is a remote tropical island populated by beautiful young residents, gay and straight. It has a dark and dangerous history, as well as a web of supernatural intrigue. Find out more about this Queer Supernatural Hit at www.heretv.com
The first 100 people to arrive at our event this week will receive a copy of Curve Magazine and a ticket for a kick ass raffle! If you come early to dine, just find Michelle and Linda for your ticket and magazine.
Prime Dinner Reservations 7-9pm 323-833-3300 or go to www.obarrestaurant.com to reserve your table Cocktails and Debauchery available all night long
Music spun by DJ Josh Peace www.fuse-events.com www.myspace.com/girlsoffuse
Reese Witherspoon is adorable as a silly/smart blonde and everything, but someone PLEASE put her in a movie like this again! god i love this movie...beware, there's lots of profanity being screamed in hilarious fashion. or something. rent this @ Netflix.com
so yeah, this movie is really funny and REALLY fucked up. but if you haven't seen "Freeway 2," you ain't seen nothin yet. its a horrible, horrible movie. there is one hot shower scene with Natasha Lyonne and MarĂa Celedonio that i guess is worth the rental, and it is HEAVY on the gayness. but its still a VERY disturbing movie.
i recommend the original Freeway. you've got brittany murphy akin' crazier than she was in Girl Interrupted. you've got Brooke Shields and Kiefer Sutherland out of their comfort zones. then there's Amanda Plumber who ALWAYS gives emmy/oscar caliber performances. and best of all, you've got good-girl Reese Witherspoon just acting her ASS off and sayin some CRAZY shit. awesome!
here's the weird trailer...i dont like the tone of it. could have been done a bit better. but you still get to see awesome scenes. plus the first couple of minutes of the movie...
this lovely lady was kind enough to send me the clip im going to share with you today.
i'll admit im a Real World fan. i even watch the challenges. cant help myself. but seriously, the Denver season looks SO horrible. it really does. of course i've said that about every season since Season 4 in London when i just see the ads for them. then i end up watchng the first episode just to make fun of it. and then something draws me in and 13 weeks later, i know these random bastards by name. there have been plenty of seasons that did suck though. i'd have to say Boston was my least favorite. 1st, 3rd and 4th were the best. i did enjoy this last season in Key West. kept hoping and hoping for a tender Paula/Svetlana make out session. but got nothin. oh well...Svetlana's hot, aint she??
aaaaanyway...when i got this clip (i get looots of clips sent to me every day and i do watch em all) i saw hottub + real world = oh no. and while it is just another Trishellesque trashy moment, there's somethin about it that i like. and i loooove the fact that the dude is being ignored harder than ive ever seen a dude get ignored. that is some funny shit. dude, just shut your ass up and WATCH! i think the only reason they stopped (and it wasnt cause there were cameras) was that they couldnt get his punkass voice out of their heads long enough to enjoy it.
i am not telling you to watch this season. i probably wont. but this is a lesbian moment. however trashy, staged and trite...its sorta hot!
i think i should get together with Ruth Selwyn (of lizzy the lezzy fame) and katherine brooks (of "loving annabelle" & reality tv directing fame) and produce a reality show where there are 5 lesbians, a questioning/bicurious chick, and a straighty. now THAT would be somethin to watch. who's with me?? hey if i cant make it happen, maybe i can just "audition" chicks;-)
in case you missed her the first time i introduced you to her a few months ago...
meet my friend: (crazy-ass) Alex T. she's an aspiring model and comedienne. this girl is just silly. don't know which way she swings, but whatever way it is, its being done on the branches of a *crazy-ass tree.* she's hot and funny...so she gets her spot in the daily lesbian moment:-D
here are 3 of her vids...you can see more on her myspace profile!
a sweet song about being nice to the babysitter
haha..."you lez? no? you no like gurl? how bout yo sista? she lez??"
her ode to Keira Knightley. this is the first vid of hers i found a few months ago, and it had me at "hello." she's doing her own version of *this* Keira appearance.
want a chance to get a few christmas gifts for your friends? or maybe you just like wearing layers...and layers...and layers? im doing some fundraising for my sites. and someone's going to win over $100 worth of merch!
winner will be randomly chosen at 10pm, cali time, tonight and will receive:
1 grey, adult large "Leisha is my HOMOgirl" tshirt 1 black, adult medium "Leisha is my HOMOgirl" tank 1 white, youth small "Bring Dana Back" tshirt 1 pink, adult large "Carmen is my HOMOgirl" tshirt 1 white, youth large "I'd go gay for Shane" tshirt 1 black, extra large "I'd go gay for Shane" HOODIE! (approx $165 value) the winner of this first raffle is Samantha Korb! :-)
everyone who bought a ticket to the FIRST raffle will also be entered in the SECOND raffle that starts *now* (10:01pm, Wednesday, Nov 1st) and ends @ 10pm, cali time, Friday, Nov 3rd.
the SECOND raffle winner will receive:
1 light blue, youth small "Bring Dana Back" 1 black, adult small "Leisha is my homogirl" 1 red, adult large "Leisha is my homogirl" TANK 1 white, extra large "I'd go gay for Keira" 1 grey, adult small "I'd go gay for Shane" + some extras (approx $125 value) the winner of the SECOND raffle is Melissa S.! :-)
buy your virtual ticket below (10:31pm PST, Nov 3rd = no longer available. stay tuned for more contests!) :